Your donations to Soaring Eagle allow us to continue to meet the ongoing housing needs of Northern Cheyenne elders. Our ability to operate the Heritage Living Center, meet the needs of Northern Cheyenne elders, and continue our efforts to preserve Native American culture, depends upon the generosity of our donors. While we have goals to expand the services we offer in the future, our needs today focus on providing housing to Northern Cheyenne elders. Whether you have the ability to send a few dollars, make a more significant contribution through planned giving or assist with special projects, your kindness and support make a big difference in the lives of those we serve.

One of the easiest ways to show your support is to make a donation through our online system. You choose the amount of your gift, and you can choose whether it is a one-time donation or an ongoing contribution. You are also welcome to mail your donation to us.

TypeGiftContributions, Deductions, and Benefits
OutrightCash*100% Deductible
Appreciated Assets**100% Deductible, No capital gains tax
BequestCash100% Deductible, from estate assets
Appreciated Assets100% Deductible from estate assets, No capital gains tax
Cash, Property, Securities100% Deductible from estate assets, No capital gains tax
Charitable Gift AnnuityCash*Generous deduction based on age/IRS formula, Lifetime income (partially tax free)
Appreciated Assets**Generous deduction based on age/IRS formula, Lifetime income, Full waiver of capital gains
Life Estate ContractHome or Farm/Ranch*Generous deduction based on age/IRS formula, Right to live on property for life

* Deductible up to 60% of AGI with carryover deduction up to 5 additional years
** Deductible up to 30% of AGI with carryover deduction up to 5 additional years.

We encourage you to thoughtfully consider planned giving and consult with your trusted tax or financial advisor.