As you may guess, the needs of an organization like Soaring Eagle frequently change based on the time of year and the individual needs of those residing in the Heritage Living Center. See our current needs below to learn how you can make the greatest impact.

Hot Water Repairs
Help us make repairs to our hot water heaters and install an electric hot water heater as a back up to the loss of propane.
$17,000 donated of $17,000 goal.

Five Apartment Heat Pump Replacements
$2,700 donated of $13,500 goal.

Parking Driveway Safety
$119,000 donated of $100,000 goal.
Project Completed. Thank you!

Assisted Living Subsidy Payments
Contributions are needed throughout the year to help elders unable to pay for services.One day of assisted living care costs $131.

Items of Entertainment
Especially during winter months, a night of watching movies in the coziness of the Heritage Living Center is a welcome relief to many elders. Television sets, DVD/BluRay players, and a variety of movies are always needed. Puzzles are also favorites of our residents.

Crafting Tools
Creating quilts, clothing, jewelry and leather items are a part of the Northern Cheyenne culture. Donations of heavy duty sewing machines, a quilting machine and crafting tools for beadwork, hide painting and leatherwork are currently being requested.