Soaring Eagle also welcomes planned giving by our donors. Planned gifts allow you to demonstrate your personal commitment to our mission. Although some planned gifts are made in cash, others are made by asset donation or other methods. By opting to plan your giving you don’t just leave a legacy for future generations; you can also benefit you and your family. Charitable planned giving can reduce the income taxes you must pay and potentially provide additional income for you as well.
The Soaring Eagle Charitable Gift Annuity
A Charitable Gift Annuity is a way of guaranteeing a specific fixed income for the rest of your life and an excellent way to increase your present and future fixed returns, regardless of interest rate changes. Increased and/or tax free income, lower taxes and the satisfaction of helping Soaring Eagle care for the Northern Cheyenne elders at the Heritage Living Center are just some of the benefits you can enjoy.
Annuity Gift Options offer security for you or a loved one:
- Simple Charitable Gift Annuity: The designated annuitants for single or joint/survivor annuities must be at least 55 years of age. Payments are made annually, semiannually, quarterly or by special monthly arrangement.
- Deferred Gift Annuity: Soaring Eagle agrees to pay one or two annuitants a fixed sum each year for life, with payments starting at least one year after your gift. Individuals 50 years of age or older may establish deferred annuities.
- All Soaring Eagle Annuity rates follow the guidelines of the American Council on Gift Annuities and are based on your age at the time the Gift Annuity is established. The older you are at the time your gift is made, the higher the annuity rate. For detailed information based on your age and the latest rates, contact us.

Giving to Soaring Eagle Through Your Will
Your will is more than just a legal arrangement to distribute your resources. It is a symbol of your wise and responsible stewardship, your commitment to the future and your concern for others.
Through your will, you can make sure Soaring Eagle’s Heritage Living Center and other worthy organizations are able to continue functioning and caring for those who lack sufficient resources of their own. It also ensures your wishes, dreams and purposes are met for years to come.
We recommend that you consult with an attorney in the preparing your will. It can save you time and worry—and it will ensure your wishes will be followed. You may also contact us for a free copy of “Guidelines to Preparing My Will.”
When preparing your will:
- You avoid the excessive cost of settling your estate through state laws in the absence of a will.
- Your children avoid the loss of their family inheritance
- You are in control of your estate distribution to family, friends and to charities like Soaring Eagle.
By including Soaring Eagle you will:
- You can reduce your estate taxes even while providing for your heirs.
- You can make gifts of money, securities and properties.
- You continue to help Soaring Eagle carry out its mission.